033 0058 1900
Fenwick Matte Tangent Pelmet Tangent Pelmet: 2500 length The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte Tangent Quadrant Tangent Quadrant:60 x 60 x 43 The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte Tangent Cornice Tangent Cornice: 2500 x 72 44 The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte T&G Tall Panel T&G Tall Panel: Various Sizes The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte T&G Panel T&G Tall Panel: Various Sizes The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte Plain Tall Panel Plain Tall Panel: Various Sizes The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte Curved Plinth Curved Plinth: 300 x 300 x 150 The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Fenwick Matte 30mm Cornerpost 30mm Corner Post: 720 x 30 x 30 The door has a MDF core wrapped in solid, uni-colour, legno grain embossed vinyl.
Aldana Painted Under Plinth Under Plinth: 20 x 2500 x 60
Aldana Painted Tall T&G End Panel in various sizes
Aldana Painted Tall Plain End Panel in various sizes
Aldana Painted Tall Modular Pilaster
Aldana Painted T&G End Panel in various sizes
Aldana Painted Quadrant End Moulding Quadrant End Moulding: 2500 x 50 x 70
Aldana Painted Quadrant Plinth 715H x 320
Aldana Painted Quadrant Under Plinth Quadrant Under Plinth: 20 x 570 x 318
Aldana Painted Quadrant End Block Quadrant End Cornice Block: 33 x 48 x 48
Aldana Painted Quadrant End Cornice Block Quadrant End Cornice Block: 65 x 92 x 92
Aldana Painted Quadrant Cornice Quadrant/Curved Cornice: 65 x 430 x 430
Aldana Painted Plain End Panel in various sizes
Aldana Painted Pilaster Bead Pilaster Bead: 910 x 20 x 20
Aldana Modular Pilasters 900 x 100 x100mm.
Aldana Painted Blanking Panel for a Straight Corner Wall or Base Unit Plain End Panel 900 x 650 x 19
Aldana Painted 30mm Cornerpost 30mm Corner Post: 720 x 30 x 30
Albany Painted Made to measure Corner Post Corner Post: up to 900 x 150 x 150